
In 1926 a group of ladies from Sellersville Fire Co met with some ladies from Chalfont who were interested in forming an Auxiliary to the Fire Company. Our first meeting was held in March of 1926. The objective is to aid the Chalfont Fire Company in all its activities. We are a working and sociable organization.
We meet on the third Thursday of each month in the Fire House meeting room at 7:30 P.M., followed by refreshments supplied by a monthly committee.
We hold two social gatherings each year. A “Covered Dish Dinner” prior to the regular meeting in September and a self-paid Christmas Dinner Party in place of the December meeting.
Throughout the year we are kept busy raising money for the Fire Company, (which is annually given to the Fire Company) by having 2 Buffet Breakfasts, 2 Turkey Hoagie Sales, a Craft Show, a Flea Market, a Christmas Cookie sale in addition to helping with the Fire Company sponsored events such as a Fire Prevention Open House, the Community Christmas Sing with Mr. and Mrs. Santa arriving via Fire Truck.
The above is work but enjoyed by all, the teamwork and dedication to the Fire Company creates many friendships.
We are always looking for new members (male and/or female). If you would like more information please contact me at 215-822-9685 Any of our members would be more than happy to fill you in with information or answer your questions.
We are looking forward to meeting you and having you join us on any Third Thursday at 7:30 P.M. at the Fire House.
Kathy Albert