Fire Police

Fire Police are dedicated volunteers under the direction of the Fire Chief, an elected Captain, Lieutenant, and Sergeant, as a division of the Chalfont Fire Company. The Fire Police unit is authorized by the State of Pennsylvania, and is activated and sworn in by the Mayor of Chalfont.
The Fire Police Officers donate their time to Chalfont and the surrounding area to respond to emergencies and special services 24 hours a day. All Fire Police Officers are volunteers.
Fire Police Officers attend training classes and are qualified in traffic and crowd control for fires, accidents, parades, fireworks displays, and events sponsored by the Fire Company, Borough or Township. They also assist the Police, Ambulance personnel, and other Fire Departments when requested.
The Fire Police Officer is there to maintain the protection and safety of Fire Company personnel and equipment while at an emergency scene. Fire Police protect the victims, their valuables, property and preserve evidence at a scene. They are also there to control the actions of a crowd, and keep them at a distance for everyone’s safety.
Red or blue lights are used on the Fire Police Officer’s personal cars and trucks to respond to emergency calls and to close roads. Cones, barricades, detour signs, flares, and flashlights with red luminary cones may be used to direct traffic during emergency situations. The Fire Police will control the flow of traffic to ensure emergency vehicles have a quick, safe entrance and egress from the incident. They may halt traffic, block off a road or detour traffic, to keep motorists safe from potential hazards.